
ShinyProxy 2.4.0

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Full Kubernetes Support One of the main advantages of ShinyProxy is the use of plugable container back-ends which allows people to use ShinyProxy on a plain Docker host, on a Docker Swarm cluster or on internet-scale Kubernetes cluster in the cloud. The way organizations have been deploying ShinyProxy on Kubernetes clusters has grown exponentially and providing a means to configure ShinyProxy tailored to the specific Kubernetes setup became more important.

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ShinyProxy 2.2.0

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Secured Embedding of Shiny Apps Since version 2.0.1 ShinyProxy provides a REST API to manage (launch, shut down) Shiny apps and consume the content programmatically inside broader web applications or portals. This allows to cleanly separate the responsiblity for the Shiny apps (data science teams) and those broader applications (IT teams) while still achieving seamless integration between the two from the user’s perspective.

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ShinyProxy Christmas Release

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Since our previous blog post five releases took place, so it is time to provide the ‘state of affairs’ before venturing into the New Year. Kerberos and Co To some Kerberos is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld. To others it is enterprise technology that protects corporate networks and offers single sign-on for network services.

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ShinyProxy 2.0.1 is out!

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Embedding Shiny Apps Although Shiny apps are very popular for interactive data analysis purposes, many organizations communicated a need to more closely integrate these apps within larger applications and portals. In previous releases we broke down the walls to make this happen: hiding the navbar, single-sign on, theming the landing page and advanced networking support were only a few steps in that direction.

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Using R to Generate Live World Cup Notifications

Here in Belgium, World Cup fever is at fever pitch, but with matches starting during work hours, how is a desk worker supposed to follow along? By leaving the R environment? Blasphemy. Today we show how to use R to generate live desktop notifications for The Beautiful Game. A notification system preview, free of local bias. Overview We break the process of producing a live score notification into the following steps:

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ShinyProxy 1.1.1 released!

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Theming ShinyProxy 1.1.1 is in essence a maintenance release, but there is one new feature that has been on the wish list of our users for a long time: the possibility of theming the landing page of ShinyProxy which displays the overview of the Shiny apps. The standard display when using the ShinyProxy demo image from the Getting Started guide is a plain listing:

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ShinyProxy 1.1.0 released!

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Scalability In our previous release (see this blog post) we announced our focus on scalability with support for Docker Swarm back-ends. With version 1.1.0 we moved to hyperscaling Shiny apps in the datacenter by adding support for Kubernetes. We have used it for customers that roll out internet-facing Shiny apps with high numbers of concurrent users and needs for automated deployment.

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Using an R ‘template’ package to enhance reproducible research or the 'R package syndrome'

Motivation Have you ever had the feeling that the creation of your data analysis report(s) resulted in looking up, copy-pasting and reuse of code from previous analyses? This approach is time consuming and prone to errors. If you frequently analyze similar data(-types), e.g. from a standardized analysis workflow or different experiments on the same platform, the automation of your report creation via an R ‘template’ package might be a very useful and time-saving step.

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ShinyProxy 1.0.2

ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Since our last blog post ten new releases of ShinyProxy have seen the light, but with the 1.0.2 release it is time to provide an overview of the lines of development and advances made. Scalability ShinyProxy now allows to run 1000s of Shiny apps concurrently on a Docker Swarm cluster. Moreover, ShinyProxy will automatically detect whether the Docker API URL is a Docker Engine API or a Swarm cluster API.

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useR!2017 Roundup

Organising useR!2017 was a challenge but a very rewarding experience. With about 1200 attendees of over 55 nationalities exploring an interesting program, we believe it is appropriate to call it a success - something the aftermovie only seems to confirm. Behind the Scenes To give you a glimpse behind the scenes of the conference organization, Maxim Nazarov held a lightning talk on ‘redmineR and the story of automating useR!

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